Sunday, July 02, 2006

I feel pretty! Everybody Sing!

Marilys and I leave in a few days for Outfest.

There has been a lot of work done, and yet a lot remains to be done. In addition to all the preparation that we need to do to present ourselves as producers of this film project, we also have many things to attend to right here in New York. I will be missing the classes I teach and have to prepare lessons for eight other people that will be covering me while away. Marilys has her many clients to juggle in order to create some space for her to leave for ten days.

There has been little time for things like clothes shopping, haircuts etc. But these too are important as we need to look and feel our best. At the moment, we are both a bit scrappy after weeks and weeks with no time off. Trust me, you don’t want to be a guest in our home right now. Who knows when the vacuum cleaner last saw the light of day.

For those of you just tuning in: Contemplating Emily, the short film, is about to make her premiere at the Outfest Film Festival in Los Angeles. In addition to all the festivities of a festival, this one is also a major market for the film industry. In other words, we are going to be shopping our feature film project and hope to begin to dialogue with potentially interested producing parties that are themselves shopping for a film project.

Pulling resources together to enable this trip has been a challenge to date, so if you are in a position to help up off-set some of our expenses, we would be grateful. You can do so as a tax write-off by giving to our fiscal sponsor, Fractured Atlas and designating it for Contemplating Emily. Here is the link:

Our expenses between the trip itself and all the marketing preparation are shaping up to be around $4,500. To date, we have about $1,500 covered from donations, but we are still seeking the other $3,000. So, help us along if you can. Thanks, Sarah


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